Friday, October 11, 2013


My favorite class that we had so far was the day when we all went around and told stories. I loath public speaking. My eyes cross, my voice shakes, and I feel like at any moment I will just drop to the ground, however, I found that particular activity to be more freeing than terrifying.

I agree with Dr. Mitchell-Buck, where telling stories out loud is a rarity, and forced this behavior out of us as class. It was interesting to actually feel the stress in the room when we all walked in, but as people went on and the atmosphere physically felt looser, and we seemed to have a good time listening to one another.

It was interesting to see the approaches to story telling that people used as well from Diane’s story that she wrote out and brought visual aids, to Suzanna’s story from her childhood, to those of us who just freely spoke about an experience we had.  My personal favorite of the day, was Suzanna’s story because my family is from Peru, and my grandmother used to tell me a very similar story when I was little, so it was neat to connect and remember something like that.

But I thought it was a great classroom experience (especially with the size), and liked the different perspective we got as class in communicating with each other.

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