Monday, December 9, 2013

"Parson's Tale" in bullet points

·         Penitence
o   Contrition
§  What is contrition
·         The sorrow a man receives for his sins
§  What causes a man to be contrite
·         Remembering his sins
·         Not wanting to be a thrall to sin
·         Dread of Hell
·         Sorrow for the good he didn’t do and the evil he did
·         Remembrance of the Passion of Christ
·         Hope for forgiveness of sin, the gift of grace, and the glory of Heaven
§  How he should be contrite
§  What contrition is available to the soul
o   Confession
§  Confessing ALL his sins to his priest
§  Understand the source of the sins
·         Adam and Eve
·         7 deadlies, coming later
§  Types of sins
·         Venial
o   Man loves Christ less than he should
o   Can be forgiven through confession
·         7 Deadlies
o   Man loves anything more than Christ
o   deadly
o   Love of God
·         7 Deadlies
o   Pride
§  The root of all sins
o   Remedy to Pride
§  Humility
·         In heart
o   Sees himself as worth nothing before God
o   He despises no other man
o   Doesn’t mind what other people think of him
o   Doesn’t regret his humiliation
·         In mouth
·         In works
o   Puts other men before him
o   Choose the lowest place overall
o   Gladly assent to good council
o   Submit gladly to judgment of his superiors
o   Envy
§  Worst sin there is because it is against all virtues and goodness
o   Remedy to Envy
§  Love of God principle
§  Love his neighbor as himself
§  Against the manor of wrongs of his enemies:
·         Against hate of heart love him in heart
·         Against hate and rancor of heart love him in heart
·         Against chiding and wicked words pray for his enemy
o   Wrath
§  Good anger
·         Anger at wickedness
·         Hating the sin but not the sinner
§  Wicked ire
·         Unplanned, so venial
·         Planned, so deadly
·         Manslaughter
o   OK—carrying out death penalty
o   OK—self-defense
o   Deadly—going beyond self-defense
o   Killing on purpose in all sorts of ways including abortion
o   Remedy to Wrath
§  Gentleness
·         Suffer the wrongs men do to you
·         Suffer  sweetly man’s goodness and don’t get angry at man’s bad acts
§  Patience
·         Suffer gently the outrages  of adversity and wicked acts to him
o   Sloth
§  Makes one heavy, moody, and peevish
o   Remedy to Sloth
§  Fortitude and Strength
·         Magnanimity and courage
·         Undertake hard things
·         Reason and discretion
·         Faith and hope in God
·         Confidence and security
·         Constance
o   Avarice (Greed)
§  Loving Earthly things
§  Coveting is wanting things you don’t have
§  Greed is withholding and keeping things you do have
o   Remedy to Avarice
§  Mercy and pity
§  Performing charitable works
§  Lend and give, forgive and release
§  Moderate generosity
o   Gluttony
o   Remedy to Gluttony
§  Abstinence
o   Lechery (Lust)
§  Very specific about each act, read on your own if you want
o   Remedy to Lust
§  Chastity
§  Continence
§  Good marriage in medieval terms
§  Withdraw from temptation
·         Penitence part 2 continued—Confession
o   Confession of the mouth (may not be my best interpretations)
§  What is the sin
§  Consider who you are
§  Did you do it alone or with/to someone else?
§  Where did you do it
§  Did you get talked into it or talk someone into it?
§  How many times
§  Why did you sin, tempted by others or by one’s desire
§  Who have you hurt by sinning?
o   True confession signs
§  Sorrowful bitterness of heart
·         Shamefast
§  Humility in confession
§  Weep in eyes or heart
§  Don’t let shame stop one’s confession
§  Be obeisant to receive penance
§  Do it quickly after sin
§  Do it by your own will
o   Confession must be lawful
·         Penitence part 3—Satisfaction
o   Alms
§  Offer one’s self to God
§  Have pity of defects of neighbors
§  Giving of good council and comfort (including material things)
§  Try to keep works private
o   Bodily pain
§  Prayers
§  Wakings--vigils
§  Fastings--
o   Forbear of food and drink
o   Forbear of worldly jollity
o   Forbear deadly sin
·         Reasons for fasting
o   Largeness to poor folk
o   Gladness of spirit
o   Not to grouch while fasting
o   moderation
§  Teaching of prayers
§  More ways of bodily pain
·         Wearing painful clothes
·         Scourging
o   Blockers to penitence
§  Dread
·         Fear of suffering
·         Fix by remembering this life is short, heavenly life eternal
§  Shame
·         If he wasn’t ashamed to do foul things, he shouldn’t be ashamed to do good things
§  Wanhope
·         Distrust in the mercy of Christ
·         Fear that he won’t be able to keep up penitence
·         Answers
o   As many times as he falls, Christ will be there to receive him in mercy when he rises again
o   God is way stronger than the devil—God will strengthen hime
§  Desperation—can’t find a definition
·         Reward of Penitence—Heaven and the perfect knowledge of God

1 comment:

  1. That's a wonderfully comprehensive list!
    As for your final point about desperation, wouldn't it be that if you're desperate that you are willing to take aid from any port, including relying on things and people who might stop you from being connected to God?
    Thanks again!
